Shipping Policy

 We Deliver Pan India with Free Shipping . 

When you check out, you will be given a variety of options for shipping all with estimated delivery dates (EDD). Please pay attention to those dates as it is our best estimate (but not guaranteed) of when your order will arrive.
Please allow 1-2 business days for personalization process and additional 3-5 business days for shipping time with average delivery between 4 to 7 business days after the order is placed.
Need your order faster than your checkout EDD?  Please call one of our customer service agents on our customer care number +91-9205-020-339. We can move your order up in the packing schedule to get it to you quicker.
We will not be held responsible for parcels that are not deliverable because of an incomplete/incorrect address or parcels that are not picked up in a timely manner and are returned to the ThemeLandParties. Customers will be charged for delivery back to us and charged for the parcel to be resent.